What is sex? It’s the consummation of the covenant between married couples who’re male and female. But is that what we have been taught in schools recently? Is that what we find in the media? No! There are many people, especially the youth, who ask questions about sex, and sadly, most parents, especially in Africa, don’t give them answers. So many turn to the internet for help. Unfortunately, a greater percentage of these people become addicted to pornography since it’s very likely to stumble upon a porn video or website when you search about sex online.
God created us as sexual beings. That is, He created mankind as male and female (Genesis 1:27). And the first instruction He gave them is, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it…” (Genesis 1:28 NKJV). So God expected Adam and his wife Eve to use His beautiful creation of sex as a means to have children so that they could have dominion over creation together. But none of them knew it until after the fall happened in Genesis 3.
According to God’s Word, sex is permissible in marriage, not outside marriage. That implies any form of sex between a man and a woman who are not married is a sin, and it attracts consequences. Sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancy, mental condemnation and demonic manipulation are some of these repercussions.
You may think these effects are bearable. But honestly speaking, they are not because they aren’t from God. In fact, they are so bad that it has left people depressed for a long time and even unsatisfied in their marriages.
According to God’s Word, sex is permissible in marriage, not outside marriage.
Just as Adam and Eve were initially ignorant of the reasons why God created sex, so many people in our world today have distorted views about this subject, including some Christians. But do we have to remain ignorant of God’s purpose for creating sex as the Bible reveals it? No. Knowing why God created sex from the Bible not only gives you the correct revelation but also protects you as a Christian from abusing it and indulging in premarital sex and adultery. Let’s dive into three reasons why God created sex today.
1. Procreation
Every child born on this earth is a product of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. I wouldn’t add “in marriage” to the first statement because these days, many children are born out of wedlock. Without sex, there can’t be fertilisation in the female’s fallopian tubes. And God, knowing this very well, created sex to be only enjoyed and used for procreating children in the context of marriage.
Love isn’t all about sex.
In Genesis 4:1, we see in the Bible that Adam made love to his wife Eve; and that resulted in Eve having the firstborn, Cain. So it’s clear that God created sex in marriage to be used to bear children.
2. Oneness
Another reason why God created sex is to seal the covenant between married couples. When a married couple has sex, it connects not only their souls, but their physical bodies together. So Paul, knowing this very well, said in 1 Corinthians 6:16 (NIV) that,
Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”
Now that means that having sex with someone who’s not your spouse will affect your body, and you’ll have consequences, even if some aren’t of immediate effect. Every sin you commit doesn’t affect your physical body except sexual immorality.
Have you had sex with someone to whom you’re not married? Come to Jesus today because it is only Him who can give you beauty for ashes. He’s the only person to clear your dark past, restore to you every fragment of your soul from all sexual partners you’ve ever had, and additionally heal you both mentally of condemnation and body of diseases.
However, if you’re married, you must make sure that you’ll be faithful to your wife no matter where you go. Your spouse can’t follow you wherever you go, nor can the person monitor you for twenty-four hours and seven days. Honour and keep the covenant between the two of you. Have healthy relationships and boundaries with members of the opposite sex. Never entertain anything that will end up committing adultery, whether online or physically. Work on strengthening your marriage, not seeking sexual satisfaction with someone else if you have marital problems.
3. Sexual Satisfaction
Lastly, God created sex for married couples to have satisfaction with one another sexually. That especially goes to the husbands. Males, in general, need sex, and females generally need affection. But God, in His own wisdom, created marriage so that the husband would see his wife as her only outlet for sexual satisfaction. Likewise, the wife will see her husband as her only option to satisfy her sexual needs.
Enjoy each other sexually as married couples, not dating partners.
In marriage, each spouse’s body belongs to the other (1 Corinthians 7:4). Sex in marriage is a means to serve one another’s physical desire for the other. However, this doesn’t mean marriage is all about non-stop sex. If you ever have this thought raging in your mind, I want to tell you that it’s not true. Also, love isn’t all about sex. Sex is good in marriage, but marriage has more to offer and responsibilities that come with it. Don’t let what you’ve heard deceive you. Enjoy each other sexually as married couples, not dating partners.
Young man, learn to tame your flesh whenever you have a desire to have sex but aren’t married. Young woman, your body is not for sale, so stop using it for prostitution in order to get money. Husband, love your wife, be affectionate and patient with her, and bring out the best in her. She’s not a sex machine to you. Wife, respect your husband. Learn his love language, and protect his heart by treating him well. But be wise to see his weaknesses and help him to make that aspect of his life to be better.
As children of God, we don’t have to live like how worldly people live. No matter how bad the world has painted sex in our minds, we ought to uphold sexual purity. Flee from sexual immorality, and live unto God with purpose.
You’re a blessing.