“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” — 1 Corinthians 6:18 NIV
One plague in the youth of this generation is indulgence in sexual immorality. Today, it’s rare to see two people before the altar about to be married who haven’t previously seen each other’s nakedness. This issue didn’t start today, but way back in the early church, especially in Corinth. People were actually sleeping with their parents, and they were jubilating over such sinful acts.
God created us as sexual beings, and there’s no problem with that. He knows the purpose for creating sex and has explained it in the Bible in several verses. But sadly, many Christians haven’t spent adequate time studying the Bible. And as Dr Myles Munroe said, “When purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable,” many young people have engaged in sexual promiscuity, so much so that for some, it has even turned normal for them.
When purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.
Dr. Myles Munroe
Just because many people see something wrong as right doesn’t make it right. Yes, sexual temptation is real and can even heighten in dating relationships. But you don’t have to give in to the devil.
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 that we should flee from sexual immorality. That means that when it comes to sexual temptation, a great way to overcome it is to flee, which literally means “run away.” Some single Christians I know don’t like staying in a room with the opposite sex while the door is closed, except if the other person is their parents or siblings. That’s their template for preventing themselves from falling into this act. But what about you?
Just because many people see something wrong as right doesn’t make it right.
Understanding why God has given you a body for the Holy Spirit to dwell in and becoming conscious of it is an even more powerful way to flee from sexual immorality. Why? Because you’ll learn how to control your body and use it purposefully.
God has purchased your body with the blood of Christ so that in all things, you’ll live unto Him and not yourself. When you take good care of your body, you honour the Lord because it shows you’re stewarding the temple of the Holy Spirit well.
For the men, no matter where you go, there’ll be women. Living consecrated unto God and being faithful to your wife (if you have one) is pivotal. Sex is permissible in marriage, not outside marriage. So don’t give the devil a chance, no matter how emotional you are.
If you’ve already committed sexual immorality, even as a Christian, there’s hope for you. With godly sorrow, repent, and decide firmly by prayer that you’ll live unto God from today. Be free from condemning thoughts in Jesus’ name. Treat the opposite sex with divine wisdom, and keep healthy boundaries.
You’re a blessing.
Lord, I pray that You’ll teach me the purpose for everything you’ve created, especially sex so that I’ll not abuse it in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 296
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