What You Have Is Enough

“So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh.” — Genesis 2:21 NIV

When God made the world, he gave Adam work to do, which was to dress and keep the garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15). Later, God saw that it’s not good for man to be alone, so He decided to make a helper suitable for him.

Before God would form the woman, He took one of man’s ribs (side), closed the exposed part with flesh (body) and used it to form her. Now, my focus isn’t on the woman; but on what God used to make the woman–a simple rib.

Although that rib isn’t really connected to the physical rib in a male’s body (probably because the number of ribs on both left and right side of the respiratory system is the same), it’s a picture of how God uses little provisions to do mighty things.

Today, it’s no longer God physically creating new things. Instead, it’s God in man, doing wondrous things to spread the kingdom of Jesus to the entire world.

You may have complained about how large your vision as a purpose-driven believer is. But I want you to cast your mind back to what God used to make the woman: a simple rib. That means that what God has given you to do big things is enough. If only you would see the largeness of production hidden in the small resources in your hands, you’ll do much.

God sometimes provides big things in small packages.

My pastor, Rev. Justice Osei Kwadwo Agyemang, once said that “Don’t abandon kingdom projects. Ask for resources.” God is not entitled to demand results from you if He hasn’t provided what you need to do His work.

Don’t abandon kingdom projects. Ask for resources.

Rev. Justice Osei Kwadwo Agyemang

Yes, God does things abundantly. He gives abundantly. But He sometimes provides big things in small packages. What you have is enough. And it’s not just about money, but your time, devices, buildings and team members. Instead of complaining to God about why so many things aren’t available to you, ask Him how to use what you have to multiply your impact.

You’re a blessing.


Oh God,I thank You for providing what I need to fulfil my divine purpose. They may not be as huge as I wanted, but I ask You to nourish my mind with wisdom in order to use them well. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 290

Also Read: How To Automate Your Impact

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What you have is enough
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