“So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.” — Genesis 2:20 NIV
A question many Christians ask about relationships is, “can we date anybody we like?” Well, God knew this was coming. So He set the standard way back in Genesis. He made a suitable helper for Adam after realising that it’s not good for the man to be alone.
But before that, something happened in Genesis 2:20. Adam was already naming all the wild animals, livestock and birds in the sky. But for him, there was no suitable helper. That means that while Adam was doing ministry and fulfilling his purpose of dressing and tending the garden, he was indirectly yearning for help in his heart since the task wasn’t that easy for him alone. Yet, it was to no avail.
So God, sensing his need for help, put him to sleep, took his rib (side), used it to form the woman, and presented her to him. That implies that heaven can recognise your need if it’s a burden on your heart, even if you’ve never opened your mouth to pray about it.
Now here’s the point. Adam was looking for the right partner in the wrong place. The suitable helpmeet he needed (not wanted) wasn’t amongst the animals he had been naming. It took the interference of God to give him a solution.
God progresses in how He does things, but His principles remain consistent.
Yes, God doesn’t choose your mate for you. But He does the presentation. God can present many godly people, especially daughters to his sons, but it’s up to you to choose. If God carefully made Eve to present her to Adam, then He is still careful to raise godly women who’ll be marriage materials for his male children in Christ. Why? Because God doesn’t change. He progresses in how He does things, but His principles remain consistent.
You can’t just hook up with a worldly person and expect your marriage to end well with you. That’s not how God made it since the beginning. Man of God, get busy fulfilling your divine mandate to the extent that heaven will recognise your need for a godly woman to be your helper, and God will surprise you.
You’re a blessing.
Oh God, I repent for looking for helpers at the wrong places you’ve not assigned me to search. Do not allow my life to be miserable later in future by choosing a crooked path that I may have little knowledge of its end in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 291
Also Read: Find A Wife
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