“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord.” — Proverbs 18:22 NKJV
One great desire of most people, especially young adults, is to get hooked up with their life partners. Sincerely speaking, that desire isn’t wrong in itself. But I ask some questions, “why do you want to date?”, “why do you want to marry?”
Desires aren’t just desires. They carry motives behind them. And once they are not connected to God’s kingdom advancements and fulfilment of purpose, they become selfish intentions.
Since God weighs our motives (Proverbs 16:2), He can vet our desires and state of heart at any time.
To the men, scripture says “find a wife,” not “find a woman.” That means in every woman is a wife. But it takes godly men to bring that material out of her through consistent discipleship in Christ with great patience.
Young man, the picture-perfect person you’ve created in your mind to share life with doesn’t exist. God may have blessed you with one of His daughters to be with, but probably that female isn’t exhibiting all the Christ-centred character traits you desire. Can I tell you something profound in the Word?
God put Adam to sleep but used his rib (side) to make Eve. In our case, it’s just like God putting your sexual desires and human works to sleep so that you’ll depend on His grace to cultivate the love of your life. That also means two things:
- The man must know the Lord intimately.
- The woman must learn how to submit to God’s Word the man teaches in sound doctrine.
Young man, I want to encourage you that there’s no finding without diligent searching. Love is work, so allow God to help you bring the best in the woman you’ve chosen to love if she also chooses to be with you.
Remember that the Bible doesn’t say marry who you love. Instead, it says, “…love your wife (who you marry or have married)” (Ephesians 5:25). Love her for who she is, and train her to emulate the ways of God as much as you know and study.
You’re a blessing.
Lord Jesus, I come before you as a man. I repent for using all my human efforts to nurture the woman I’ve chosen to love. I declare total dependence and surrender to the grace of God to disciple her in Your ways. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 224
Also Read: Man, Teach Your Partner The Word.
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