Don’t Judge People Too Quickly

[8] “do not bring hastily to court, for what will you do in the end if your neighbor puts you to shame?” – Proverbs 25:8 (NIV)

I scarcely go to court. But for once in my lifetime, a relative of mine had a court case. It was so severe. This family member, who happened to be a businessman, did work for someone but not so well. So, the client got angry and took him to court. God stepped in after the first hearing until the case was adjourned and finally dealt with. This incident left me with the impression that sending people, especially believers, to court subjects unbelievers to judge cases God can handle which is not good.

Solomon was a king. So, he judged many cases that were brought before him. And with all his years of experience, he said it is unwise to send a neighbour to court. Why? Because that person knows you enough to cause you public shame. Take this seriously, dear friend.

Don’t judge people too quickly. Probe cases before you join people gossiping about others. Because of a truth, there is no smoke without fire. That implies there is a reason behind any happening in life. Things don’t just happen. So instead of joining others to say bad things about others, wait for patience to calm quarrels.

You’re a blessing.


Father, help me to see people in Your lens of light. May I never leave nor forsake You in all my ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2025 – 016

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Devotional - Don't Judge People too Quickly
Devotional – Don’t Judge People too Quickly
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