The Word of God Can Cleanse You Wholly

[3] “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” – John 15:3 (KJV)

As a young minister (at the time of this writing) who has had the privilege of living with people from diverse backgrounds, I can say that cleaning is one of the most challenging tasks people, especially men, don’t like doing. A guy can live in his room for weeks without sweeping and never think anything is wrong. Hmm. Aside from this, there’s actually one more thing people ignore. It’s called inner cleaning.

Many people are so concerned with how they appear on the outside and less conscious of their inner man’s cleansing. For example, a believer who fornicates has his spirit filthy because he sleeps with another person or people he’s not married to. Yet, that person can be elegant in clothing and home-keeping. So when you see him, you’ll think he doesn’t need any help. And that’s a mistake. In fact, this is one of the reasons God sends us to preach the gospel. Many people are filthy in their inner being but ignore it.

Jesus told the disciples in John 15:3 that they are clean because of the Word He has spoken over their lives. Wait a minute. That means when Jesus called them afresh, they were filthy. And I don’t think Jesus meant physical neatness but spiritual one. All the disciples were sinners before meeting Jesus. Think of Matthew, a tax collector. He was probably corrupt. Right? But as these disciples kept spending time with Jesus, a time came when they became so cleansed within that none of them was thinking about going back to their sins. That is transformation!

The Word of God can cleanse you wholly, especially your inner being. Do you struggle with porn, alcoholism, gluttony, smoking, what? Bring all of them to Jesus. Just stay in His presence and keep fellowshipping with Him. He will transform you wholly.

You’re a blessing.


Father, thank You for the cleansing power of Your Word in my life. Through Your Word, help me to cleanse every area in my life that is filthy. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 351

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Devotional - The Word of God Can Cleanse You Wholly
Devotional – The Word of God Can Cleanse You Wholly
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