“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” — Matthew 18:19 - 20 NKJV
Corporate prayers are prayers done when Christians meet as a group to pray. It’s so powerful, yet its effectiveness depends on two main factors:
- Agreeing concerning anything to ask in prayer.
- Gathering together as brethren.
In Matthew 18:19, Jesus stated the minimum number of people that should be present in agreement (both physically and spiritually) to make effective corporate prayers. That is two. He didn’t say, “…when two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything…”. That means even if the number present exceeds two, yet only two people amongst them are one in accord, both in Spirit and prayer request, it’s enough for such a prayer to yield results. How true is this?
In Acts 12, the Bible records how the early church earnestly prayed for Peter following his arrest and impending execution (Acts 12:5). That night, an angel of the Lord appeared in the prison cell and rescued Peter. When Peter had walked the length of one street, the angel left him (Acts 12:6-10).
Peter thought he was dreaming. But later, he came back to his senses and recognized that God had saved him. After that, he went to the house where people gathered to pray for him. Peter knocked outside the entrance, and a servant called Rhoda came to answer Peter at the door. She knew Peter’s voice. So when she recognized it, she ran back into the room and informed the people that Peter was at the door (Acts 12:12-14).
Immediately, the people answered that she was out of her mind. But Rhoda insisted upon it until they came to open the door and found that it was Peter. Now here’s the point.
If all the believers in the room, who were definitely more than two, believed what they were praying unto God about, would they have answered Rhoda so poorly? No! Some believed, some doubted. But because they were many, at least two of them were in one accord during prayer. And once that condition got met, it was enough to provoke heaven to release an angel to rescue Peter. The believers prayed, but some didn’t believe in their prayers.
Friends, the number of people gathering together to pray, especially in tongues, is necessary. At least, it builds one another up in the faith. Yet, when it comes to making specific prayer requests as a brethren, be of one accord and pray. As a participant, do not let your mind waver during these gatherings. And don’t hope that God will answer the prayers. Speak by faith. Pray, for heaven hears you.
You’re a blessing.
In the name of Jesus, I believe that God answers my prayers. Father, help me take corporate prayers more effectively. Give me the tenacity to let my mind remain focused on what’s prayed about in the gathering of the saints. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 151
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