“When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!” — Luke 15:17 NIV
There are so many things we do without thinking so much about them. So it’s common to see people’s days filled with the practice of routines. Now, this isn’t bad in itself. Instead, it depends on how it gets used.
When you build a habit of consistent Bible reading every morning, it’ll develop your spirit without you struggling. But if you become addicted to smoking, you’ll be hurting your lungs without even realizing it. Both are habits, but the latter can be demon-influenced. Both generate results. But one is good and the other is awkward.
In Luke 15:11-32, Jesus narrates the parable of the prodigal (lost) son. This boy was the younger of the father’s two sons. One day, he demanded his share of the father’s property. As to what made him do that, we don’t know. It could be he followed the advice of friends or societal pressure to get rich quickly.
The father divided his inheritance among the two children. However, the younger son realized he couldn’t enjoy his wealth the way he wanted under his father’s roof. So, by refusing to be regulated by fatherly mentorship, he packed his things and left the house.
The prodigal son didn’t know how to manage wealth. So he spent whatever he had on wild living. A time came when he was in need. So he decided to find a job and do it. He became an errand boy of feeding pigs. As he worked, he became frequently hungry; yet couldn’t even eat the pigs’ feed.
But Jesus said something powerful after all these tragedies that happened to the boy. He came back to his senses. The boy realized that the food he struggled to get was abundant in his father’s household. So he decided to go back home despite the shame and hunger. To the glory of God, his father received him warmly and even exceeded his welcome expectation.
Here’s my point. If the boy hadn’t come to his senses, the decision to go back wouldn’t have been imagined, much more implemented. He would have died in a strange land, even though his father was still wealthy.
Could it be you’re so busy with life that you’re missing out on some essential things you need in your life? I remember how one minister-friend confronted me about how bad overworking at night can affect my day. Yet, it was a norm in my life. Now, it’s no more there. I could have been making more impact, yet slowly losing my health without realizing it.
Friend, analyse your life. Many times, it’s not about trying something you did that failed over and over, but about changing the way you approach and do it. Listen to the people who passionately love you. They’ll draw your attention to some wrong things you’re doing without noticing them. Come to your senses to enforce changes in your life.
You’re a blessing.
Father, I pray that you’ll bless me with people who’ll love me truthfully to the extent that correcting me won’t hinder our friendship. Also, Lord, guide and direct me to know what to do when faced with persistent challenges so that I would come through victoriously.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 139
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