[15] “The labor of fools wearies them, For they do not even know how to go to the city!” – Ecclesiastes 10:15 (NKJV)
Professional gold miners are one of the people I admire. They don’t set up a mine without surveying the land to see whether there’s gold beneath the ground or not. And for that purpose, anything they invest their money in to set up the mine, they see it as worthy.
I’m sad to say that many people are not living by the ideology of these gold miners. The live without revelation and end up caught in cycles of life only to eventually settle for less. Today, the average young person is being counselled that life is about going to school, finding a job, getting married, having kids, building a house, leaving an inheritance for the family and dying. To that, I will fight against this doctrine propounding around subconsciously in the minds of people. Jesus didn’t come to my life to give me these cycles. No! Abundant life is far more than these.
Ecclesiastes 10:15a says that “the labor of fools wearies them…”. Do you know what that means? If you live without wisdom, you’ll toil around where you are and hardly see progression in your own life. And sadly speaking, that’s how many people are living today.
Instead of signing up for this normal lifestyle people are used to, why don’t you go to the Lord for wisdom and let Him improve the quality of your life drastically? No matter how many resources you have, wisdom expressed through purpose is what will help you to direct its usage. Stop toiling around that same place in your life.
You’re a blessing.
Father, in the name of Jesus, bless me with revelation that will make me progress in life. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 231
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