Spread the Word

“When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,” - Luke 2:17 NIV

The first humans to publicise the arrival of the Prince of Peace, Jesus, was the Magi (wise men or shepherds). It wasn’t the Israelites. I believe they did that because they were amazed when they precisely saw what the angel told them at night. Even though they used a different route when returning, they kept telling others that the Messiah was born.

Everything they went through, including the precious gifts they gave unto Jesus, meant nothing negative to them. They were so thrilled to spread the word about the newly-born long-awaited Messiah. Jesus is still alive and saving lives. But if you’ve seen Him or He has saved you, become His effective ambassador by telling others about the gospel.

Do not let life issues consume your thoughts so much that you forget to fulfil the ministry of reconciliation in Christ Jesus. Jesus has chosen you. Go and spread the word about Him. He’ll help you do it.

You’re a blessing.

Devotional label: KGD // 2021 – 363

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Spread the Word
Devotional – Spread the word
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