[15] Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” — James 4:15 NIV
Every person has inherent capabilities to make decisions and follow hard to implement them. And because of that, so many people take life for themselves to do whatever they like, some even forgetting to seek God’s will before implementing their decisions. That has led many people to certain bad domains of life they never dreamed of. Maybe you’re part of those I’m speaking about. I can’t tell you that there’s hope for you.
In James 4:13-15, Apostle James made some stunning proclamations in his epistle to warn people, especially believers who like moving about because of some decisions they take. He made mention of those with business mindsets who are determined to travel and make money in places other than their original abode (see James 4:13). Then he rebuked such people by saying,
“Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
James 4:14 NIV
However, he gave a solution to this harmful style of life, which is about seeking divine direction before implementing decisions. And that is what I recommend as your hope, dear Christian.
Life in Christ is about purpose, not about your wants. Before God brought you to the Earth through your parents (whether you know them or not), He had an entire plan for your life. He doesn’t reveal it wholly to you, but He provides excellent leadership to everyone who submits himself to Him. He has given you a mind to think and make plans, but He’s still the Lord of your life. He has entrusted enough authority to you to use it for His good, which will also help you live a fulfilled life.
God provides excellent leadership to everyone who submits himself to Him.
Today, aside from all the needs you pray unto Him about, seek God’s will before implementing your decisions. If He approves of them, it means three things:
- He gave you those ideas through the Holy Spirit’s creativity in you.
- The plans are part of His plan for your life.
- There’s grace for you to follow after those plans.
Remember that God is your guide. Don’t worry about your life. Follow after Him and submit to His leadership because He’ll never lead you astray.
Father, thank You for the grace to be creative in thought and actions. I submit all my decisions to You and boldly declare, “Let Your will be done in my life.” In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 248