No Word from God Will Ever Fail

[37] “For no word from God will ever fail.” – Luke 1:37 NIV

Do you believe that no word from God will ever fail? If yes, how sure are you? One of the reasons why I never doubt God fulfilling every promise He has said, both to me and His Word, is because He has no track record of failing anyone. Secondly, I’ve also seen Him fulfil some of the promises He made to me when I began ministry. I still have faith in Him. But what about you?

Mary had every reason to doubt what angel Gabriel said about Jesus coming through her. But she asked the angel how God would do it, and she got the explanation. But to make her stand firm in faith, angel Gabriel concluded by saying, “For no word from God will ever fail.”

Holding on to God’s promises is not an easy thing to do. It’s a great test of patience every believer who receives any promise from the Father will go through. And in those seasons of life, if you don’t take care, you can do things not good for your life that can permanently threaten your destiny.

Whenever you’re believing God to do great things in your life, be careful who you listen to. Abraham listened to his wife Sarah to sleep with Hagar. Today, the descendants of Ishmael are always fighting in the Middle East as a fulfilment of what God prophesied about his life (see Genesis 16:12).

God’s timing is very different from that of man’s. So anytime He gives a promise, when He’ll do it is up to Him and not to us. Never allow men to pressure you to make decisions to tamper with God’s timing for fulfilling His prophecies. Your duty is to keep believing in Him and watchful in prayer.

You’re a blessing.


Father, You’ve promised in Your Word that no word from You will ever fail. Therefore, I choose not to waver in Your promises concerning my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 357

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Devotional - No Word from God Will Ever Fail
Devotional – No Word from God Will Ever Fail
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