“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” — Romans 12:10 NIV
One key to dealing with arrogance in the hearts of people is called honour. Honour, as used in the scripture above, means esteem. When you honour or esteem someone, you hold the person in high regard. So when the Bible says, “honour one another above yourselves,” it means we must esteem people in the faith higher than ourselves, despite our position, level of knowledge or connections with great people. But do we see it today? I rarely think so.
We live in a generation whereby people are so full of themselves. They think about their positions in their workplaces, churches, and homes. They think of greatness as achievements, whereas Jesus defines greatness as service to others.
Love isn’t self-seeking (1 Corinthians 13:4). It doesn’t dishonour people. It embraces people together despite their differences. Some couples have huge differences, yet God’s love has sustained their marriage to date, not because they are special people but because they have chosen to follow God’s principles.
If everyone in Christ would choose to honour one another above ourselves, we won’t have issues praying against pride in our hearts. No matter how high God lifts you, it’s for the benefit of many. You are assigned many responsibilities because much is required of you and not because you’re too special. Don’t just look at your own interest. Factor in other people’s interests in your decisions also (Philippians 2:4). That’s love.
You’re a blessing.
In the name of Jesus, God, I receive grace to lay down my life for the brethren – in deeds, thoughts and decisions. Father, help me to honour people above myself so that humility will be developed in my heart. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 024
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