“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” — Romans 12:10 NIV
Devotion is powerful. It’s the spiritual decision that makes you commit to a cause without wavering, whether things get tough or not. That’s why most leaders are devoted readers, and most genuine ministers of God are devoted Bible students, no matter their age.
Today, we see in Romans 12:10 that, as Christians, we must be devoted to one another in love. Translated word “devote” means affection. So we must be affectionate toward one another as an expression of the love of God. If that scripture starts with a “Be,” then devotion unto one another must be done with intentionality. And if it ends with “one another,” then that practice cuts across married couples to include others because “one another” connotes more than two people. Hence, it’s not about committing to love some sect of people in God’s family, but everyone.
Most leaders are devoted readers, and most genuine ministers of God are devoted Bible students, no matter their age.
How you love your spouse as Jesus does to His Church must be the same way you should others. Just that, your relationship with your partner must be unique. Love isn’t selfish. It’s constraining. It’s not about feelings but commitment.
Two enemies of devotion unto one another are lukewarmness in frequent communication and unforgiveness. Deal with these two in your relationships with people by God’s grace. And you’ll not have problems with people.
You’re a blessing.
Father, I pray that You’ll give me the heart of interpersonal devotion as I walk in your love. Help me to develop the heart that helps people despite their faults and weaknesses; because I was also worse until Your grace found me and currently transforming me. Thank you, Jesus. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 023
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