[40] “He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.” – Matthew 10:40 (NKJV)
Before Jesus sent out His twelve disciples to preach the gospel for the first time, He gave them several instructions to guide them in their journey. I believe He did that because of two main reasons.
- They were new to the mission field. So, they didn’t know what it meant to minister to people without their master being around.
- For future generations like you and me to understand some instructions concerning doing missions.
In verse 40, Jesus said something applicable to marriage today. Jesus said anyone who welcomes His disciples welcomes Him, and he who receives Him also receives the Father. Interesting!
Look! Jesus is the head of the Church – His bride. At that time, He was speaking to a few disciples who had believed in Him already. So today, if anyone rejects God’s servant, he rejects Jesus’ bride. In the same way, if you fail to honour your pastor’s wife, you’re disobeying God’s law of marriage because, according to Jesus, the two shall become one.
The Church represents Jesus Christ on this earth. So your pastor’s wife represents him, even when he’s not around. Don’t honour your pastor and treat his wife as a secondary person in his life. It won’t benefit you. Learn from this and live wisely.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for Your love and affection. Help me to honour everyone around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 118
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