Acknowledge The Leadership Of The Word of God

“Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” — Psalms 119:105 NKJV

Have you ever walked in a dark place at night? You’ll realise that because of the absence of light, fear and lack of direction become your major threat to reaching your destination. That is how many people are living on the face of this Earth. People are working so hard to pay bills, take care of their families and fulfil many life responsibilities all by themselves without acknowledging the leadership of the Word of God in their lives. So they end up doing all these things and still remain lost and unfulfilled.

If you’re part of the people I described above, I want you to see something in Psalm 119:105 today. David said God’s Word is first, the lamp unto his feet, and second, a light unto his path. Now, wait! If I say I want a lamp for my feet, it means I need a kind of light that covers a little area around my feet so that I can know which place to step one after the other. But if I need a light unto my path, I want a light that’s so bright that it can make me see far on the road I’m walking towards my destination.

God has fixed your destiny. But you need His Word to teach you both what to do with each step you make and, at the same time, give you a vision of your future so you won’t miss your providential way. Therefore, God’s Word has a twofold leadership capacity in your life as a child of God. But the question is, do you listen, read and study the Word?

David, who wrote the verse (Psalm 119:105), wasn’t a casual follower of God who took His Word lightly. No! He constantly submitted to God to teach him His statutes (Psalms 119:12, 16). So today, it doesn’t matter how busy you are; make time for God’s Word. Because of a truth, this Word will provide you with excellent leadership if you commit to knowing what God has provided in it for your benefit.

You’re a blessing.


Father, in the name of Jesus, help me to acknowledge the leadership of Your Word in everything I do so that I’ll not lean on my own understanding to do things outside of divine order. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 167

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Devotional - Acknowledge The Leadership of The Word of God
Devotional – Acknowledge The Leadership of The Word of God
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