
Showing 12 of 28 Results

No Peace for the Wicked

For the wicked people, God’s Word says there’s no peace for them. So, if they want to enjoy peace, they have to stop their evil deeds. And for that to also happen, they must be born again. Jesus still saves and loves people. Come to Him, and He will rewrite your story.

You Have Peace with God

What if I tell you that the one you are afraid to approach because of something wrong you did actually long for you to come to him? That is God’s case now with humanity. Because Jesus has paid for your sin, you have peace with God. What the Almighty held against you has been borne by Christ on the cross. So you are justified.

Grace and Peace Be Multiplied Unto You

When the Apostle Peter wrote, “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you …” (2 Peter 1:2), he didn’t end there. He continued to show us how this multiplication would occur. That is, through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Jesus our Lord. So the more you know God and Jesus, the more grace you’ll walk in and more peace you’ll enjoy, even amid turmoils in this evil age.

The Peace of God Surpasses All Human Understanding

You can enjoy God’s peace right amid your life’s storms. But you’ve got to be intentional about prayer and supplication. And when you do, you’ll get the divine enablement to go through every life challenge without a scratch of worry and anxiety in your mind and heart. Because the Lord God will settle and guide you in everything you’ll present to Him.

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