An Anointing for Creativity
Do you want to stand out in anything you are doing as a believer – church-related or not? You need the anointing of the Holy Ghost on your mind and hands.
Do you want to stand out in anything you are doing as a believer – church-related or not? You need the anointing of the Holy Ghost on your mind and hands.
Don’t insult the Spirit of grace by neglecting the promptings of the Spirit to practise holiness, or else you’re indirectly telling God that Jesus’ death on the cross was not enough to purge you of all kinds of sins.
In the same way, God has created us to live extraordinary lives without struggle – a life above the dictates of sin but of grace’s empowerment. But with our human strength, we’re very limited.
Every huge thing God is telling you to build upon today will start small physically. Look beyond the physical circumstances around your life and believe in the vision God is showing you in your mind. It’ll take time to manifest. But hold on to God’s voice, and be consistent at working towards it. He’ll be with you.
Through a normal greeting from Mary, Elizabeth felt the impact. How sensitive are your spiritual senses, even in ordinary conversations with the brethren?
The word “Lord” means Master. Therefore if Jesus is the Lord of your life, you’re required to intentionally and willfully submit your whole being unto Him. That includes your time, your love, your finances and your choices.
Jesus never gave the disciples a method, strategy or medium to spread the gospel. He just told them to go and make disciples of all nations. That means that for them, and now to us to reach the ends of the world, we have been given the liberty to be creative and innovative.
Avoid substituting what you want to do with what God has told you to do. Submit to the Holy Spirit’s leadership, and you’ll walk in the divine light of life.
Aside from all the needs you pray unto Him about, seek God’s will before implementing your decisions.
God cannot be mocked. If He came down to stop the tower of Babel project, how much more that evil plan your enemies have formed to execute against you? They’ll be in vain because they aren’t of the Lord.
What is a candle? It’s a small substance made of wax and thick thread that lights up when it catches fire. Candles aren’t as bright as light bulbs. Their brightness reaches short distances, and until lit, they’ll never function. What can we learn from this?
Have you ever seen an ant walking in a closed bottle before? It’s so little, and no matter how much effort it puts in, it can never get out of the bottle by itself. In the same way, God is mightier than you. The Holy Spirit in you is greater than you, although you can’t see it. So when you walk in the Spirit, you’re actually submitting yourself to live and do everything in the confines of the Holy Spirit.