Your Name Will Get Publicised as You Get to Know God

[13] Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘In those days ten men from every language of the nations shall grasp the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” ’ — Zechariah 8:23 NKJV

The prophetic books are heavily packed with prophetic utterances of some things that would be made manifest in the lives of God’s children who’ll live in the dispensation of grace. Zechariah 8:23 is one such scripture.

In that verse, God starts by saying, “… in those days …”. Whenever you see such a phrase beginning a scripture in the books of the prophets, God is speaking of our day — in the life of Christ – the dispensation of grace. So that verse belongs to us, children of God.

According to Zechariah 8:23, one Jewish man (not a physical Jew, but a spiritual one – who is born again and knows the Lord) will see people from nations grabbing his sleeve and willing to follow him. Why? Because they have heard that God is with such a person. My question is, “Who does that free publicity?” I tell you, it’s not only God but men also.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:16a NKJV that,

“You will know them by their fruits…”.

Although He was describing false prophets in that verse, the same principle applies to the people God has validated for service in His kingdom.

Dear Christian, you don’t need your picture to be on fliers for people to know that you know your God. Your name will get publicised as you know God intimately each day. You don’t have to seek fame, popularity, media influence or anybody’s recognition. Just pursue intimacy with the Lord. Study to show yourself approved unto God, and He will take care of the people coming to patronise your work/ministry without you paying anything to lure them.

You’re a blessing.


Father, I affirm the Word upon my life, that kings will come to my arising. In the name of Jesus, I pray that I will never lack anything I need to excel in this grace life, not today nor tomorrow. Amen.

Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 287

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Your name will get publicised as you know God
Devotional – Your name will get publicised as you get to know God
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