“[3] Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.” — Daniel 6:3 NIV
In every place you go, there are two main types of people: the impact-makers and the indifferent. The former is concerned with effecting change whenever they see something wrong. By that means, they initially become the change everyone wants to see. But the latter (indifferent) doesn’t care whether something goes well or not. Such people, especially workers, are only concerned with the paycheck they’ll receive at the end of the month, not the progress of the workplace. And usually, they end up getting nowhere in life.
Daniel wasn’t just an official. He was a prophet. Imagine a prophet serving in government. Today, many people think it’s wrong to be a pastor while working in the secular world. But I want to tell you that that is never wrong, even from the Old Testament.
Ministry isn’t about serving God full-time or part-time. It’s simply delivering your divine mandate wherever you find yourself. And for some, their calling demands that they stop all secular jobs they’re doing to serve fully in the Church. Your case may not be that. But as just Daniel did, you shouldn’t settle for a loose life.
Daniel, amongst all the 123 officials King Darius chose, distinguished himself among the satraps by his exceptional qualities. He was so pure that they found nothing against him. Can that be said of you, especially at your workplace or home, dear believer?
Decide to leave a mark of distinction wherever you go, whether you get amply rewarded for your work or not. And never forget that the Lord Himself is your best reward, not any man’s compensation for what you do.
You’re a blessing.
Father, help me live by Your standards wherever I go, no matter the waywardness of people around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 013
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