Watch your Doctrine Closely

“Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” — 1 Timothy 4:16 NIV

The two most profound pieces of advice Paul gave to Timothy as a young pastor (now to us) were this, watch your doctrine closely just as you watch your own life. Then he adds that when he (Timothy) perseveres in them, he’ll save both himself and his hearers (congregation).

Many have problems seeing these two responsibilities fulfilled in their lives because it’s personal; hence it can’t be done by others for a person. But, when it comes to doctrine, it’s more serious.

A doctrine is a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or another group. Doctrine is teachable. And because of that, it’s also contagious. That is why a person can live based on doctrines received from another person, whether good or bad.

One thing that has caused divisions in today’s church is doctrine. One church believes in this, another believes in that. Meanwhile, we claim it’s the same Bible we’re using to preach. The problem isn’t actually about division, but lack of doctrine check by some preachers. That is why studying the Bible well, with the help of the Holy Spirit, before preaching is exceptionally important.

People’s lives are at the mercy of what they listen to. So if they’re taught bad things in homes, classrooms, lecture rooms, physical environments, and culture in general, the best place to find sound doctrine to help them is the Church. However, here lies the case some preachers aren’t doing individual doctrine checks, even if the denomination a preacher belongs to is quite huge or small.

Why is it good to watch your doctrine closely as a preacher?

  1. It prevents people’s lives from getting spoilt by wrong teaching (Colossians 2:8).
  2. We have people to present perfect in Christ Jesus as shepherds (Colossians 1:28).

Dear preacher, sweat in the study of the Word. Use tools like Olive Tree Bible software to feed you with related verses when studying scriptures. And don’t forget to pray! Remember that for the people God blesses your ministry with, He graces and expects you to watch over them well.

You’re a blessing.


Lord Jesus, help me watch what I teach others well. Assist me not to preach my experiences and philosophies, but your eternal Word in accuracy. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 180

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