[23] “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” – Romans 6:23 (NKJV)
I remember years ago when I was in Sunday school service in church, Romans 6:23 was one of the popular scriptures I, among other children, memorised. It made us conscious of our sins and not our eternal redemption in Christ. Today, I’m not a child, and even though I don’t live in sin because I am saved by Christ, I thank God for what my Sunday school teachers did. Why? Because if a child knows the effect doing evil things has on his life, it is enough deterrent to make him desist from doing it.
Romans 6:23 has two parts – one which talks about sin and the other that speaks of eternal life in Christ. I would like to concentrate on the first part of the scripture in this devotional, which says, “… the wages of sin is death.” In other words, the result sin produces is death. But the question is, what kind of death is the scripture speaking of today? Here’s a list of them.
- Physical death – that is the highest result of sin and usually happens later in life.
- Death in one’s relationship with God.
When a person is in sin, the ‘wages,’ not ‘wage,’ of sin is death. So, such a person will start experiencing the perishing nature of sins’ results in several areas of his life – spirit, soul and body in gradual increments. For example, an unbelieving smoker may not die immediately upon smoking. However, his relationship with God would have been dead [well because he who is alive in Christ doesn’t commit sin – (see 1 John 3:9)]. Following that, his mind will be adversely affected. Then, upon continuous practice, the lungs get destroyed, which later ends up in physical death. So, as you can see, sin has a ripple effect on anybody who chooses to live in it.
Dear friend, Jesus does not want you to live a life full of struggles with sin. He wants a great life for you, whereby you’ll be bent on living on purpose and making a godly impact in this perverse generation. But that can’t be possible if you don’t come to Him. Sin has nothing good to offer you but death. Don’t let the devil deceive you about that.
You’re a blessing.
Father, guard my life from all forms of sin. May I live according to Your ways every single day. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 322
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