“But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” — Matthew 19:30 NIV
Two coordinating virtues in Christ are selflessness and impact. I’ve realized that any child of God who manifests Christ’s selflessness, which is rooted in God’s love, ends up impacting many souls for Christ. This spiritual law is the same thing Jesus explains differently in Matthew 19:30.
He says the first shall be last, and the last will be first. To the layman, this statement seems baseless. However, critical analysis of that will prove it valid, just as the Word of God says.
If you want the people in your life to get impacted by Christ, you ought to exhibit the selfless characteristic of God’s love, not out of human efforts but by grace. I mean, you must be led by the Spirit to think about other people’s interests and needs higher than yours. As long as this is in place, giving or forsaking things, even if done sacrificially, to help others will be inspired by love, not out of compulsion.
Many of us tend to keep things because we’re overprotective over them. Keeping something God has told you to dash out doesn’t only hinder you from receiving better ones but also deprives the one in need of getting help from you.
If you want to be first, think and serve your generation just as Christ came to serve others. Service in love and humility expels pride in your heart.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 115
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