“Arise, Jerusalem, and shine like the sun; The glory of the Lord is shining on you!” - Isaiah 60:1 GNT
“The presence of a light bulb doesn’t drive out darkness. It’s the switching on the bulb that makes light come.”
No matter how many Christians are in this dark world, failure to let the Christ in us, who’s the light of the world, shine unto people, won’t make us influence them for God.
I believe Isaiah 60:1 is a prophetic scripture that was written to instruct today’s Christian to rise and witness Christ. It doesn’t start by saying, “shine,” but “arise and shine.” Now that means each believer has two intentional actions to do in order to witness Christ, and that is (1) “arise” and (2) “shine.” How can both be done?
You arise as a child of God by living in the consciousness of Christ (both Word and the Holy Spirit) in you. Then, you shine by walking in good works (Matthew 5:16), which will definitely be evident to others, even unbelievers. Once these two actions get constantly executed through the empowerment of the Spirit of grace, the child of God won’t struggle to make Christ known everywhere he (or she) goes.
Darkness has covered the earth and gross darkness upon the unbelievers. They need light to be delivered. And we Christians are the solution to this chaos in the world.
Put off hypocrisy and evil speaking. Live unto God and treat people well, just as how God treats you as a loving Father.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 114
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