[24] “Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.” – Mark 4:24 (NKJV)
No matter what we do, what we watch, read and listen to has maximum influence on our lives. If you keep watching evil being portrayed before you as good, your mind will get distorted from thinking that such acts are evil. I once had a conversation with a grown-up woman, above 50 years, who has normalised insulting her kids to the extent that she finds nothing wrong with it. I asked her how she got to that point. Then she said that she has had a frustrating experience in marriage. What a tragedy! Her negative past experiences have redefined what is good and bad to her without her noticing. That’s the exact thing the devil is doing – to block people from discerning their actions correctly.
Jesus told His followers in Mark 4:24 that they should take heed what they hear. But why? Because what they hear has an influence on their minds. Let me ask this rhetorical question. How come the same people who hailed Jesus for His miracles and good works turned their backs to rejoice seeing Him crucified? It was because other people with filthy mindsets said bad things about Jesus to them. When you mingle with people who don’t see the good in your leader, your heart can get corrupted by them. I’m not speaking about hearing corrective words from people to your leader for doing something wrong. That is different. Jesus was sinless, yet people were saying bad things about Him.
As a believer, I don’t believe you’ve got to live your life to prove a point to people. However, you must place intentionality in living a pure life before the presence of God both privately and publicly. My senior pastor once told me, “Your relationship with God is a private one for public use.” What you keep hearing from the Lord in secrecy will affect the life everybody sees you living. When you’re alone, don’t be watching obscene things.
Take heed what you hear. Spend time with God and be wrapped up in His presence so that your definition of right and wrong to govern your life will be determined by Him.
You’re a blessing.
Father, thank You for Your immense love. Help me to keep hearing sound doctrine in your Word, whether publicly or privately. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 272
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