[35] “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” – Mark 1:35 (NKJV)
For a while, I’ve heard many ministers speak on the importance of having a quiet time in the morning with the Lord. And that is a good thing because I do practise it. But I really think spending quality time with the Father shouldn’t be tied to a specific time of the day, like at dawn. It can happen all the time. Just that, doing it early in the morning sets you up for the day filled with God’s awesome aura. Remember that God doesn’t live in time like man does.
Jesus, although busy, one day got up early in the morning before His disciples and went out to a solitary (quiet) place to pray. I love how He did it. He didn’t want anybody to intrude His private time with the Lord. And I believe in that. Sometimes, you must spend quality time with the Father alone, not just in a congregation. Other times, your family, particularly the nuclear one, ought to join you in lifting the Father high. But in any way, never underestimate how powerful it is to be in God’s presence alone. For as much as I know, men of purpose usually received their divine mandates by being with the Father for a long time.
In a world where many struggle with their identity and career path, decide to root yourself in the Lord Jesus. Make it a high priority to pursue a deeper intimacy with God. You’ll find fulfilment for doing that.
You’re a blessing.
Lord, help me to connect with You on a consistent basis. May I know You greater and greater each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 119
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