Stay Away from a Fool

[7] “Stay away from a fool, for you will not find knowledge on their lips.” – Proverbs 14:7 (NIV)

Who is a fool? It is a person who lacks wisdom in anything he does. And it’s unfortunate for me to say that there are some people on this Earth who are like that. Solomon urges us to stay away from such people. But my question is, why did he say that? Here’s an answer to it.

We live in a world where knowledge is usually increasing every single day. The way preachers used to pastor God’s sheep in 1950 isn’t the same today. However, as for the Word and the power of God, they are still intact without change because God, the creator of time, doesn’t live in time to be affected by it. If God will do things in times and seasons, then it is for the benefit of mankind. When you keep God first place, you’ll increase in divine wisdom because He gives wisdom (see Proverbs 2:6, James 1:6).

But in our relationships with people, you must watch your life closely. For instance, when you hang around negative people every day, you’ll start thinking negative thoughts quite often. Also, Proverbs 13:20 (NKJV) says,

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.”

Did you see that? If you walk with wise people, you will be wise. On the other hand, if you walk with fools, you’ll get destroyed. That means destruction awaits those who mingle with fools. That is not a negative prophecy; it is a simple verdict passed down by God through scripture.

Dear friend, God loves you too much to see you destroyed. Stay away from a fool. Sometimes, audit your friends and weigh their contributions to your life. And those you find guilty of influencing you negatively, remove them from your life. I pray that God locates you around great people who will care about your well-being.


In the name of Jesus, Lord, empower me to stay around wise people who will help and contribute to God’s purpose for my life. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 265

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