“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men,” — Titus 2:11 NKJV
Some people believe that since God is omniscient, He knows the people who’ll be saved and those who’ll go to hell. And because of this analogy, they think salvation is for some sect of people. But that’s not true according to scripture.
Yes, God is omniscient. But He loved the world and gave Jesus to die to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29). When He loved the world (John 3:16), He didn’t give preference to the people Jesus had to die to redeem. Jesus died for all and even continued to make the grace that brings salvation available to all people.
If someone chooses not to listen to Jesus or His servants and dies in sin, spending eternity in hell isn’t God’s fault. Jesus holds the keys of death and hell (Revelation 1:18). Which means that before anyone would end up in hell or death, he’ll surely meet Jesus on the way. It may not be physical but a proclamation of the Word by another preacher, either virtual or online, inviting you to come to Him. Salvation is for all, not some. And the message of Christ will continue to be preached through every possible medium.
Maybe, you’ve chosen not to listen to God because of religiosity or for your own reason. But I want to tell you that encountering salvation is for your own good, whether you perceive it or not.
Don’t let false doctrines, inappropriate behaviour of some Christians, or pressure from the world’s corrupt system draw you back from receiving Jesus as Lord and personal saviour. It’s time to direct the course of your life by living in submission unto God. Do well to pray for the salvation of people.
You’re a blessing.
Oh God, thank You for making the grace responsible for salvation available to all people. As I follow Your leading, I also pray for the unsaved to receive the gospel of Christ no matter where they are in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 280