Make The Most Of Every Opportunity

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” — Ephesians 5:15 - 16 NIV

I once conversed with a distant classmate who interned at a private organisation. He said he felt under-utilised because the workers didn’t teach him anything extraordinary to challenge him.

Meanwhile, I said he could have taken advantage of his aloneness at the workplace to learn e-courses online. My problem wasn’t his complaint. My concern was for him to make the most of every opportunity before him, even at odd places.

Some ageing people wish they were younger to learn what they are learning about life now. But time waits for no man. They could have learnt those things years ago. However, when the time came, they didn’t. Now it’s past, and there’s nothing they can do about it.

Life is in seasons. The energy a twenty-year-old man would put in to serve the Lord is obviously more than that of a fifty-five-year-old minister. That means there are some opportunities you must sacrifice to utilise today before you become older.

Paul said to the Ephesian church, and now to us, that the days are evil. Hence, we shouldn’t live as foolish but as wise to make the most of every opportunity.

Some opportunities are clear to see. Others take discernment to perceive them. For instance, a university student on vacation has the opportunity to learn several e-courses and read books to increase his knowledge base on his calling in the Lord and career. Yet, some students use these vacation periods to watch movies, sleep excessively and consume unprofitable content online. In such cases, the opportunity is there, but they aren’t discerning it.

Could it be that that unbelieving friend in your contact list is a mission field to preach the gospel to? What about using your phone to read Christian e-books?

Pray for God to open your eyes to behold the opportunities around you. In that way, you’ll see the value of time when you start investing it wisely to build your life, as well as others.

You’re a blessing.


Oh God, teach me how to make the most of every opportunity You place in my path. Open the eyes of my heart to know which way to take, lest I get lost about what to use my life for. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 056

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Devotional | Make the most of every opportunity
Devotional | Make the most of every opportunity
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