“All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).” — Matthew 5:29-30 NKJV
Every moment of our lives is prophetic before God. Why? Because God chose us before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). That means, He had planned our destinies before each one became a blood clot in our mothers’ womb. So before Jesus came to the earth, He knew when and how He’d come.
Circumstances around Joseph and Mary’s marriage show that it was the devil’s will not to let it happen. But God is wise. He chose Mary, who was betrothed to a godly man. God knew Joseph wouldn’t abandon Mary when he found out she was pregnant. And it was so.
Generations unborn have their destinies tied to the decisions we make today.
In our generation, these scenes keep happening. What amazes me is that many women don’t know how to fix themselves to the line of prophetic visioners. Some think relationship is just about love and sex, forgetting that generations unborn have their destinies tied to the decisions we make today.
Look at Rahab in the Bible. She was already in Jericho before the Israelites arrived. She was a prostitute, but she put her prostitution aside and helped the spies. Today, her name is part of the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:5). By natural descent, she wasn’t part. But because of her selflessness and wisdom, she is part of this mighty ancestry. The same story goes for Ruth as well.
I want to tell you that it’s not about your personal ambition – what you want, where you want to work, your education, and other stuff. It’s about the fulfilment of prophecy. Your life is prophetic before God. But the question is, “Can you discern it?” “Can you see that marrying who God has led you to and protecting that God-made relationship is both for your good and generations?” Start thinking generationally.
Joseph was from the tribe of Judah. So if Mary had lost him, we wouldn’t have had any right to call Jesus the “Lion of Judah.” Can you discern your man well, virtuous woman? Don’t treat him like a jerk or a son. Love him, respect him and care deeply about his welfare because men rarely get even a little of this kind of treatment from women except for their mothers and sometimes sisters.
You’re a blessing.
Father, in the name it Jesus, I receive grace to discern divine connections rightly. Help me not only to connect to helpers and great partners but also to keep them with wisdom. Amen.
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 357
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