How Greatness Connects To Achievements

“But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.” — Matthew 23:11 NKJV

Many times have I heard many Christians quote Matthew 23:11, explaining that greatness in Christ is all about service and not achievements. Well, for me, according to the scriptural context, there is no problem with that revelation. But when I meditated on it for a while, I noticed, by grace, that there was something beyond those words Jesus uttered about greatness in Matthew 11:23.

Jesus encountered his disciples arguing about who wanted to be the greatest among them. And He did not condemn them on that topic. He showed them the way to achieve what they desired. That is, to serve others. Wow!

Build systems and structures that will serve others and bring out the best in them.

Looking at Matthew 23:11 again, Jesus addressed the disciples as a group. He explained that the one person who wanted to be the greatest would serve all of them. Hold it right there.

Jesus is saying that the greatest will serve all the eleven remaining disciples. So let us do some Mathematics here. The greatest disciple is the one who serves the maximum number of disciples present. Is that not interesting? It is. Right? Here is how greatness connects to achievements. If what you achieve serves many people, you are great.

For example, if I build a house for my family, my greatness is not connected to the house I built but to the number of people that house will serve as a home for them, including visitors. If I know this, why should I focus on building just one house if the more I construct, the more people get blessed by my work? It is so simple.

We Christians must not be sitting around thinking greatness doesn’t have anything to do with accomplishments. Service links the two together. However, it is only the achievements that do not serve others in a godly way that isn’t connected to greatness.

Friend, keep doing what God is telling you to do. Pray for expansion in your business, ministry and other areas of your life. Build systems and structures that will serve others and bring out the best in them. God will reward you.

You are a blessing.


Oh God, thank You for teaching me how to be great. Assist me to accomplish more kingdom-related tasks that serve other people’s purposes. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 072

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Devotional | How greatness connects to achievements
Devotional | How greatness connects to achievements
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