[35] “See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.” — Luke 11:35 NIV
In yesterday’s devotional, we learnt that the eye is the lamp of the body. But today’s verse is an add-on message Jesus said after teaching that principle. As a caution to everyone listening to Him, He said, “See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness” (Luke 11:35). Again, He referred to the spiritual eye (of insight) within the believer, not the physical eyes. So here’s what Jesus meant; double-check the kind of spiritual illumination you have as a believer.
Is what you know really the Truth, or you’re preaching it because you heard it from somewhere? If you’re a preacher, then what you know will affect what you preach and how you live. But if you’re not a preacher, it’ll affect only your quality of life.
Are you sure the doctrine you’re holding on to is sound, or it’s a lie? Check it in God’s Word and see how it has affected your life.
I believe that if believers will answer some questions like these and take personal actions against them, pastors won’t be suffering like these days to keep correcting congregants of wrong ways of living.
You’re a blessing.
Father, help me to double-check the doctrine I live by. Remove the false ones from my life with Your power by spiritual transformation. And help me keep the ones that are great for my profit. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 323
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