“Haven’t you read this passage of Scripture: “ ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’ ?” — John 13:15 - 17 NKJV
Before Jesus came to the earth, the Israelites longed to see the Messiah as prophesied in scripture. The Pharisees constantly checked Jesus’ background to see if He was the one, but they found it hard to believe it was Him. As a matter of fact, Jesus kept doing extraordinary things that sometimes counteract the Israelites’ “supposed” knowledge of the scriptures. And that infuriated some of them several times.
So in John 1:12, the Bible clearly says that Jesus came to His own people, but they didn’t receive Him. In other words, the One who’ll provide the salvation they need was before them, yet they didn’t recognise Him. Today in the physical land of Israel, some are still waiting for a messiah to come. What a tragedy!
I believe this applies to all manner of people these days too. Many times, God will bring people into your life that He has ordained to help you for your entire life. And truthfully, you’ll not recognise their calibre of help to be released in your life until you have a foresight of their future. Failure to discern the divine reason behind people’s presence can make you lose them, only to regret it later in your life.
I’ve realised that the surprises of God don’t usually come the way we expect them. Look at the life of Jesus. The Israelites needed salvation, and He was the One God sent into the world to provide eternal life. But Jesus, although God, looked too ordinary and humble before them that they despised Him. It’s even surprising that these days, more people who don’t hail from Israel are getting saved each day than the native Israelites.
The beginning of people with great futures is usually so bad that their starting points are too ordinary to document. However, it takes wisdom to have a foresight of their future in order to keep such people in your life. And let me say that this can go as far as spinsters trivialising visionary bachelors who think of marrying them in the near future.
My friend, don’t despise the presence of visionary people before you. They might have humble beginnings, but one thing is sure. Who you see them today isn’t who God will raise them to be tomorrow.
Every great person has humble beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). If and only if you don’t despise their current state of life, you’ll see that it takes faith to stay with godly-visionary people because their state of life will certainly move from glory to glory, as God loads them with tremendous provision for the fulfilment of their vision.
You’re a blessing.
Father, in Jesus’ name, give me the grace not to despise the presence of visionary people before me when You bring them into my life. I pray that you’ll open the eyes of my heart to behold, at least, a glimpse of the making of great people who appear too normal today for their future to be discerned. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 049
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