“The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.” — Proverbs 21:20 NIV
One wise way of managing finances is to delay your pleasure, whether as a person or corporate people, for the sake of what’s ahead of you.
I’ve spoken to different people facing perpetual financial challenges, and one thing I see as a common cause of their issue: not knowing when to delay pleasure without being a spendthrift and when to have fun. Many spend more when they have more money and later run to others begging when their funds finish. That’s not wisdom. Why? Because if you live on purpose, you’ll not be thinking about only your current life but your future. And in turn, use your resources wisely as you save some.
If you live on purpose, you’ll not be thinking about only your current life but your future. And in turn, use your resources wisely as you save some.
For example, it’s really nasty for an individual to work barely to earn a living and spend it on food and alcohol. Why do I say this? Such a person doesn’t have a plan for generations ahead of him; that implies others will suffer because of his ignorance and irresponsibility.
I’ve said, again and again, that Jesus never teaches anyone to be irresponsible. He chose the twelve apostles, and they left all they had to follow Him. He did ministry with them but never was it recorded anywhere in the four gospel books that they were hungry for a second.
Let’s read Proverbs 21:20 one more time, and this time, slowly.
The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.
It’s actually wise to store up your choice food (food you’d love to enjoy to satisfy both your pleasure and hunger) and olive oil (the commodities and money you have today) so that in the future, you’ll not have struggles, especially in the area of finances.
You may have reached the level in life where you can enjoy whatever your soul desires. But what about your future? A wise bachelor or spinster will save for his/her future family before entering any dating relationship. A wise father will set up a college fund for his children, even before they start school. It’s all about vision and responsibility. Think, and stop buying things you want that you don’t really need.
You’re a blessing.
Oh God, I repent of all the financial mistakes I keep making whenever I choose to enjoy pleasure in my life without thinking of generations unborn. Give me a vision, and let Your Spirit teach me how to use my finances and resources wisely, starting from today. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 264
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