“Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.” — Galatians 6:1 NKJV
I was reading a book by one pastor a long time ago. In his book, he wrote about a time he went to preach Jesus unto another person who liked fornicating. The man got saved and even spoke in tongues right at the moment. But after the pastor left and came back hours later to visit him, this newly saved Christian was caught red-handed fornicating with another woman. Oh, what a tragedy! The pastor didn’t give up on him but continued discipling him to know God’s ways until he became mature in Christ and stopped practising fornication.
This pastor was spiritual. If he were also struggling secretly with sexual sin, he wouldn’t have had that tenacity of labouring on this fellow till he grew spiritually. Now that is God’s principle of restoring people caught in sin.
God doesn’t want a struggling person to restore another sin-struggling person. So in Galatians 6:1, He inspired Paul to write that anybody in Christ caught in sin should be restored by only spiritual people. But there is an additional caution for those who’ll do it. That they should consider themselves, lest they should also be tempted. Wow!
That means, no matter how spiritual you are, if you catch someone caught in a sin you yourself are struggling to overcome, don’t pretend as if you have a solution for the other fellow. In fact, keep quiet and run or refer the case to a higher spiritual authority.
Haven’t you heard of someone going to restore a person in sin and later join the other fellow in the same sin, especially sexual immorality? There’s no friendship without influence. You must be strong before restoring the weak. The blind can’t lead the blind, or they’ll fall into a ditch (Luke 6:39).
Take heed, friend, lest you get involved in something you never like. Consider yourself before restoring others caught in sin.
You’re a blessing.
Father, help me to build a stronger devotion unto You. Assist me to become stronger in stewarding Your grace upon my life, paying attention to what and what not to do. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 113
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