“So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” - John 19:30 NKJV
After Jesus had fulfilled everything the Father sent Him on the earth to do, He said “it is finished” just before He died. Jesus was confident to say this so freely because He examined His life, even on the cross, and saw that there was nothing left undone. What about you?
Whether you like it or not, 2021 is ending today. Have you examined your life to see whether you did everything God told you? Please, I’m not talking about your goals, tasks, and achievements. For those, you still have time to make them up. But for God’s, you may never get the opportunity to do them. God is tired of waiting for reluctant people to do His work.
Abraham delayed before obeying God to move from his family (Genesis 12:1), but God still considered him. That might not be your case because numerous believers can do what God has told you to do now. Do not think God can’t replace you. For so did Judas Iscariot thought.
Before we enter 2022 in the spirit of grace, I want you to allow God to heal every condemning thoughts you’re still having in your mind now. Declare to it, “It is finished. Devil, you’ll not have my peace in 2022.” Now it doesn’t matter what you failed to do in 2021. Intend to build again, not according to your pattern, but God’s pattern.
You’re a blessing.
Devotional label: KGD // 2021 – 365
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