“You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.” — John 15:3 NKJV
Every leader, especially Christian leaders, attests to the fact that the people God gives him to work with are imperfect people. They come in flawed both in character and thinking pattern. And sometimes, what these team members do put us, leaders, off, so much so that we may intend to sack them.
Jesus was no exception to this tragedy. He chose twelve disciples to work with Him in ministry. Time and time again, these disciples said very wrong things in His presence, refused to believe in His resurrection and even failed to heal one epileptic boy in Jesus’ absence. They kept doing things that were so sorrowful to Jesus, and yet Jesus didn’t get angry at them. He helped cleanse them. But by what means? By the preaching of the Word of God.
By John 15, Jesus was about to finish His mission on Earth. So He started giving His disciples His last words. But in John 15:3, He told the disciples that they were already clean because of the Word He spoke unto them. That means, as Jesus kept coaching and teaching them the ways of God, all the bad attitudes and mentalities they were carrying were cleansing unbeknownst to them.
Look at someone like Matthew – a tax collector. In those days, being a tax collector meant you had experience collecting bribes. So Matthew knew how to steal money. However, it’s never written anywhere in the four gospel books that Matthew stole money from Jesus’ ministry treasury. Matthew’s life was so cleansed by Jesus’ teachings that he wrote a book about Him, which we use to date.
Are you a leader reading this? Some people in your team may be misbehaving. Don’t worry about their attitude or your pain. Cleanse them by preaching the Word constantly. If you like, don’t even focus on pointing out their faults. Teach them God’s Word. That same Word is what they need to have their lives cleansed. Be encouraged today, and press on in leadership.
You’re a blessing.
Father, help me remain consistent in teaching everyone you bless my life with Your Word. I proclaim Your grace upon their lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 110
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