“[6] While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, [7] and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” — Luke 2:6 - 7 NIV
None of us was there when Joseph searched for a nice room for Mary, who was in labour to give birth. A census was going on, and almost everywhere in Nazareth was full of people. He found no befitting place for Mary to give birth except for a sheep pen. And in times of adversity, a miracle was birthed.
Today, this way of God doing mighty things in the lives of His children hasn’t changed. In times of adversity, something usually happens. And in many cases, a prophetic declaration that has been made a long time ago comes to the scene.
Perhaps, the prophets who prophesied about Jesus thought He would be born in a nice place with good people all around Him. But that didn’t happen. Jesus was born in a sheep’s pen and later laid in a manger. Today, millions of people go to that place for a tour. This Jesus converted an overlooked location into a tourist site because of His birth there.
What can be said about your life, child of God? How committed are you to following Jesus? Are you ready to receive your miracle in times of adversity, where things don’t seem to work out as you planned? It’s up to you!
After five years of being in ministry, I’ve realised that God’s leadership style is in a way that you’d not always be comfortable obeying Him. Many times, He’ll tell you to take steps you never included in your plan, whether personal or organisational. That is why in our ministry, although we plan what we must do every month, yet give enough space for God’s will to change things so we can adapt. That is because the ministry belongs to Him, and we’re the stewards.
Friend, that situation you’re going through might not change anytime soon. So learn to live with it because it’ll pass away no matter how long it takes to go through it. But don’t be anxious. Don’t let it make you so worried that you’ll overlook God’s instructions. No! As you follow Christ and keep obeying Him, He’ll help you birth your miracles even in times of adversity.
You’re a blessing.
Father, I may not know Your ways to the fullest. But I pray, help me to affirm my trust in You. Assist me to understand that You’ll never lead me astray. Make my life adaptable to every instruction you give me to execute. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 354
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