[29] “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good,” — Titus 3:1 NIV
In this world, not all activities are evil, although some may not directly be related to God’s Word. For example, it’s not wrong to do what your boss tells you to do at the workplace provided that action doesn’t make you sin against God.
Joseph was a slave in Potiphar’s house for years. He served him faithfully for a long time and even became the overseer of his household. He obeyed everything Potiphar instructed him to do. But in all these things, his allegiance to God never dwindled, even in a foreign land (Egypt) full of idolatry (as of then). He committed to God, so much that he rejected offers to fornicate with Potiphar’s wife. That should be the hallmark of every child of God serving in a secular work field where people disregard God’s principles. Say yes to work permitted that thing you ought to do is good and has no trace of evil in it. But for sin, stand on the grounds and say no.
Dear believer, you might be busy doing God’s work. But be ready to do whatever is good. For it is a good thing that you work to impact many unto Jesus’ glory. The Lord be with you and strengthen you to become a problem-solver wherever you go, for His name to shine brighter in your life.
Father, thank You for the spirit of discernment. Teach me what is right to do and wrong to abhor. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 081
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