[14] “Keep reminding God’s people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.” — 2 Timothy 2:14 NIV
I believe God never created anybody to live in isolation. That is why everybody was born into a family, live in a community and have friends. Even when God saves you, He plants you into a godly family – your church. But in your interaction with people, there will be people who’re just good at stirring up controversies and making people quarrel among themselves. God knows these kinds of people are existent in our world. However, He doesn’t want us believers to learn about their lifestyle. That is why He led Paul to warn us that we should avoid engaging ourselves in quarrelling about words. In other words, we should not join people’s conversations of people that promote strife.
Do you have someone in your life who always stirs up controversies? It could be a family member, spouse, co-worker or friend. Don’t be with such a person for a long time or you’ll learn his ways.
Hear the Word of the Lord today; avoid engaging yourself in quarrels. When you see people talk about anything that blasphemes the name of the Lord Jesus, respect your Maker enough not to join them. Defend the gospel in power, not through quarrels. God hasn’t ordained you to win quarrels, but to impact lives. Live in this consciousness.
The Lord is your strength.
Father, lead and guide me to connect to people who’ll spice up fruitful conversations that will glorify You everywhere I go. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 084
Also read: How to prevent strife
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