We often say or hear people say, “God spoke to me, and I didn’t do it,” or “I heard the voice of God as I finished my prayer.” But how do we know that it is God we are hearing? Hearing God means being able to perceive or listen to God’s voice and receive guidance from Him.
We can hear God in so many ways. From the Bible, we can see Moses hearing God from a burning bush (Exodus 3:4-6), Samuel hearing God in the temple (1 Samuel 3:3-4), and Saul of Tarsus hearing the voice on his way to Damascus (Acts 9:4-6). With these scenes in the Bible, I can say God speaks to us in diverse ways through Jesus Christ. But you must be discerning about the way He speaks to you.
In this article, I will show you some of the things to do when God speaks to you. So that, you’ll become intentional in obeying the Lord all your life.
Asking Him For More Explanations To Get Clarity
You may be able to hear the voice of God well, but that’s not enough. You ought to understand what He is saying well. Asking Him for more explanation has been an exemplary way of doing this since the times in the Old Testament.
In 1 Samuel 16:1-3 when God told Samuel to go and ordain and anoint David as king, if the prophet went without further asking God how to do it, he could have been killed by Saul. Why? Because Samuel had to pass through Saul’s residence before getting to the temple. And if Saul had heard of Samuel’s major mission for coming around, he would have easily killed him. However, when he further asked God for more explanations, He showed him the way he should go in order to do what He said.
Also, in the New Testament, we see in Luke 1:33-35, how Mary further questioned the Angel Gabriel on the events to happen in her life concerning Jesus’ birth since her natural mind couldn’t comprehend it. And yes, she was given answers, which further stabilised her faith (see Luke 1:38).
It is always better to receive further explanations about what God tells you than to act on your own intuition. Pray about what God tells you.
Don’t force your desires into God’s appointed seasons.
Go By God’s Method Of Doing Things As Shown To You
As God speaks to us, we must follow what He says, even though it is difficult to accept or follow at times. God warned Moses in Exodus 25:40 to build The Ark of the Covenant in the pattern that He showed him while he was on the mountain. So God’s instruction ought to be strictly obeyed as He wants it.
God would not have instructed you in the first place if His Word or instructions were not supposed to be obeyed. The key to honouring God’s voice is, having a ready heart to listen and follow him.
Wait For God To Fulfil His Plans Through You
When God tells you that He will do something in your life, you must expect it and wait for it after fulfilling your part of the command. That can sometimes be listening to Him or praying about what He said. Patience is essential to seeing the complete manifestation of God’s promises over your life.
Mary pondered over the words she had heard from the Angel until the words came to pass (that is, when Jesus was born). Waiting on God involves making frequent prayers that His Word over your life should get fulfilled in His time.
Sometimes we do not have patience, and we forget about what God has said over our lives. We end up living contrary to the Word of God or the promises of God in our lives. But the bible tells us In Psalm 37:7a (KJV)
“Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: …”
Don’t force your desires into God’s appointed seasons. Do your part by the empowerment of grace, and wait patiently on Him to work out the rest.
In conclusion, hearing God’s voice is an essential aspect of the child of God’s life. And it is significant to know how to recognise and respond to it. As highlighted in the article, seeking clarity, obeying His instructions, and patiently waiting for His plans to unfold are some of the ways we can effectively respond to God when He speaks to us.
It is crucial to remember that God’s plans for our lives are unique and tailored to us. And as such, we must trust in His guidance and follow His leading. Ultimately, when we listen to and obey God, we position ourselves to live a purposeful and fulfilling life.