Three Works of a Priest in Christ


There are two perspectives when it comes to defining who a priest is. The first perspective is the Old Testament view, where a priest is regarded as someone from the lineage of the tribe of Levi, born and dedicated to lead the people to serve God. Then there is the New Testament definition, where we are made priests by the grace of God and not because of the lineage of people we come from. The priestly work is very significant to God and man. Because in the Old Testament, it was through the priests that the people could hear and speak to Elohim. For this reason, God separated the tribe of Levi to handle it amongst his people. But now, as stated earlier, we are all priests and even kings (Revelations 5:5), and by virtue of this, we all have the responsibility of a priest. In this article, you’re going to learn three works of a priest in Christ. Please read on.

#1 Ministering to the Lord

Ministering unto the Lord is a process where a priest serves God directly. How does one serve another without talking to Him and hearing His will? The priest spends time with God and fellowship with Him. He is also introduced to a life of prayer. And as he ministers unto the Lord, he intercedes for those entrusted into his hands.

That is why, as priests, we are advised in Colossians 4:2 to devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. The priest needs to study the Word, which will aid him in ministering to God, showing himself as one approved (2 Timothy 2:15).

#2 Serve as an ambassador of Christ

We are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). An ambassador is the representation of a greater authority. Therefore, as priests, we are the representation of Christ on this earth. What Christ did in His days on earth, what He would have done if He were here and faced with the problems of the world today, is what we do as priests.

Priests do these things on God’s behalf. So, as said by Pastor Kesiena Esiri, head pastor of Remnant Christian Network Warri, the priest “is God’s excuse for Him to break upon a generation, to fix a bridge, to fill gaps, and to restore waste places”. We are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill, we cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14).

Jesus is the Light in the darkness. As Christians, we were the darkness (see Ephesians 5:8). But when Jesus found us, He delegated this power of light to us. He did not give us the power so that we hide it. The world must see us manifest His ways (Ephesians 5:8).

#3 Teach God’s people to distinguish between what is holy and common

And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean (Ezekiel 44:23). How do we even know, for ourselves, what is holy and what is profane? By ministering unto the Lord.

As stated earlier, the priest ministers unto the Lord through prayer and studying the Word of God. Where one has studied to show himself approved, he will know the difference between Holy and profane. That being said, it is the responsibility of the priest to teach others the difference.

If we are all serious with our priesthood, then the “others” would refer to the unbelievers, else we are curing the healthy and leaving the sick to die. This final point emphasises why we must be serious as priests and know our work as priests.

In conclusion, it is not just Church leaders who are priests. We are all priests, and we have the responsibility of ministering to God, being ambassadors of light on this earth, and teaching others the difference between what is holy and profane. We cannot depend on ourselves to do this. It is only by the grace of God. So may His grace help us all. Amen.

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