Tell God Your Problems


There are always problems in our daily lives. Problems from family members, work, school, colleagues, and many others are happening. It has become an established truth that those who live thinking so much about their problems will live demoralised daily. So instead of worrying too much about your problems, tell them all to the One who actually cares for you — God (see 1 Peter 5:7).

God is glad to carry your burdens and give you daily strength. It is written in Psalm 55:22 (NKJV) that,

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain you; he shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”

In my walk with Christ, I have learned that human beings are just as helpless as we are. Though we feel compelled to share our problems with one another, it does not always solve the issues we face. What we have to do is trust God enough to tell Him our problems.

Beloved, problems are everywhere

Trouble has persisted since the fall of Adam and Eve. Man has also continued to increase in sinning even till now. The Bible literally warns us about perilous times in 2 Timothy 3. Beloved, nothing is new under the sun. Therefore, there is no problem that the Christian is facing that God doesn’t already know about. When we look up to only Him, He will meet our needs according to His riches.

Learn to be prayerful

A key element in the Christian’s life is prayer. When you live as a Christian without a constant prayer life, your spiritual growth will be stunted. It is like having a car without buying fuel into it. It will not move. That is not to say God cannot work without your prayers. He can, but He won’t if you don’t pray.

For instance, in a romantic relationship, the couple cannot go a day without talking to each other. Why? Because communication is the lifeblood of the relationship. In the same way, you have to be intentional about your walk with the Father. In all things, you must seek the face of God.

Men will gossip about you

Instead of telling man every detail of your problems, you should learn to go to God first. Humans are humans. They cannot be trusted a hundred percent. The Bible tells us that the heart of man is deceptive (see Jeremiah 17:5), Which is why you must be vigilant and tread carefully when dealing with human beings. Some people go about busily finding topics to gossip about. It is not wise to share all our problems with people.

Trust God to answer your prayers

God answers prayers according to our faith. It is imperative that as you pray and make your requests known to God, you must trust Him to answer you according to His will. If you approach God with your problems without believing that He will solve them, what is the use of praying in the first place?

Unbelief is befitting of one who does not know Christ. But if you are born again and have come to Christ, endeavour to grow in faith in Him. Keep building up your trust in Him.

Beloved, learn to trust in God. And as you tell Him your problems, believe that only He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you can ask, think or imagine (see Ephesians 3:20). Stay blessed.

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