We live in a world of numerous opportunities. While some wait for us to secure them, others must be created by us.
Naturally, many people aren’t able to perceive indirect opportunities. So they gather around vivid vacancies, each to secure one for themselves. That was the case with the people who surrounded Jesus almost everywhere He went.
They had needs for Jesus to meet. But most of them came because of their selfish reasons instead of following Him because of the Word He taught.
In the Bible, there was a woman with the issue of blood. Interestingly, her name was never mentioned. Scientifically speaking, this woman was suffering from a haemorrhage. According to the Old Testament laws, her condition made her unclean to come among people (Leviticus 15:25). However, she realized how for twelve years, she had tried all manner of ways to get healed but ended up worse than better.
When she heard of Jesus, she not only decided to go to Him to be healed but was determined to create space in the midst of crowds following Him only to touch His garment. Now that’s powerful.
From the woman’s story, I would like to address three salient points for us Christians to learn if we want to lay hold on to the opportunities God creates for us even if crowds have surrounded them.
1. Have a determined mind
This woman with the issue of blood knew what she wanted from Jesus. And based on that, she made up her mind to discard her Jewish impurity conscience, do whatever she could to manoeuvre her way in the crowd, get near Jesus, and finally touch His garment for her healing.
I believe strongly that other people in the same crowd needed healing. But for that woman, her determined mind conceived crazy faith in her to get what she desperately needed for twelve solid years.
“When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” Immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction.” – Mark 5:27-29 NKJV
Uncommon faith inspires us to take uncommon actions. And uncommon actions precede the realisation of uncommon results.
Probably, you’re in a difficult situation right now and may be thinking of how to find your way out. Prayer is key. But when God shows you the way out after praying, have a determined mind to do just as God said because physical challenges will come trying to disprove the speaking of God.
2. Perform uncommon actions
Uncommon faith inspires us to take uncommon actions. And uncommon actions precede the realisation of uncommon results. The woman with the issue of blood knew that crowds always follow Jesus. Maybe, she thought about how difficult it would have been to get near Jesus amongst numerous people surrounding Him. But she was determined.
Generally, Jesus laid hands on the sick for them to receive healing. But for this woman, her faith inspired her to take the uncommon action of receiving healing out of just a touch of Jesus’ garment.
Just because you are used to seeing God do something one way in many people’s lives doesn’t mean He doesn’t have varied methodologies for doing that same thing. Jesus laid his hands on some sick people to receive their healing, but there were others he released healing words. The results were the same, but the methods were different. God is unchangeable, but His ways of doing things are many.
Your faith in Christ may inspire you to take a different path to achieve what many people desire to have. I want to tell you that you are not odd. You’re just different. Embrace that and follow what the Lord has said.
3. Change your approach to handling issues
Sometimes, we keep seeing bad results after trying one mode of approach for so long because our hope gets assured in them. According to Mark 5:26, the woman with the issue of blood tried to get healing from several physicians, but to no avail for twelve years. However, when she heard of Jesus, who was not a physician, she used faith to get her healing.
Do you consistently see failed results in some parts of your life – financially, relationship-wise (maritally), or even prayerfully? Then this is the time to change your mindset and approach towards them.
However, you need new information better than what you have known to do this. That woman heard of the miracles Jesus had done instead of listening to doctors’ recommendations from people. What she heard inspired faith in her.
Maybe, it’s time to change your associations, change the kind of books you read, change how badly you dress, change how you manage money, and treat people if you want to see a godly desire fulfilled. See that change. Get help from reliable friends in Christ, even if they are busy people. Let them know about your situation. I tell you that anybody walking in the love of God will have compassion and create space in his schedule to help you.
In conclusion, I challenge you not to wait for the opportunities you’ve seen to meet you. Go and meet them. Make up your mind to create for yourself space in the midst of crowds to get what you want, only if your desire is godly or Spirit-led to pursue it. I speak the multiplication of God’s grace upon your life.
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