From the beginning, God created man to have a spirit, a soul and a body. When it comes to Him taking care of us, He wants all three compartments to be in good health. But sometimes, we think God is only interested in our spiritual well-being alone, neglecting our souls and bodies. But that is wrong. God wants our spirits, souls, and bodies to be totally preserved (taken care of / carefully attended to) until the day Jesus comes.
Now, this doesn’t only refer to Christians but all men. Why? Because God wants all men to get saved, transformed and also be in good health (1 Timothy 2:4, Romans 8:29, Romans 12:2) through Christ. Nevertheless, He knows that if we deviate in our relationship with Him, this won’t happen. That explains one of the reasons why God sends people out to reach the lost for the gospel. So that through it, there’ll be a restoration of man’s relationship with God through salvation. Following that, spiritual transformation will also happen, which definitely impacts the mind, and as the mind gets transformed, so will how a person lives will do.

Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonians
When Paul was concluding his first letter to the church in Thessalonica, he made a prayer in 1 Thessalonians that ought to be taken seriously by each Christian. He says,
Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 NKJV
My emphasis is on the second part of the scripture. What does it mean for a child of God’s whole spirit, soul, and body to be preserved blameless?
“Preserved” used in the scripture above means to attend to carefully, ‘take care of,’ or observe. It’s God’s will for each of His children to enjoy complete preservation in spirit, soul and body on earth even before Jesus comes. But do we see this will of God manifest in our lives? Many times, a “no” than a “yes.”
Some people are spiritually on point with God, yet they struggle to get food and water to eat. Some people also have a good relationship with God and are physically healthy, yet they struggle mentally with anxiety, pain and rejection. Also, some people don’t have salvation in Christ (don’t have any relationship with God), yet they don’t have a problem taking care of their minds and especially their bodies. This imbalance prevails in many people’s lives. But that isn’t how God designed us to live.
If God is your Creator, He knows how best to fix your life, not a sorcerer, magician or spiritualist.
God doesn’t want you to struggle
Before God created Adam, He first created animals, trees, and other creatures suitable for Adam to have a comfortable, stress-free life in the garden of Eden as he dressed and tended it (Genesis 2:15). But the fall happened, and since then, the struggle to find God’s balance back has persisted for ages.
If there’s a problem with a product, the best person to repair it isn’t a shopkeeper somewhere by the roadside but the product manufacturer. If God is your Creator, He knows how best to fix your life, not a sorcerer, magician or spiritualist. Your spirit, soul and body need complete preservation, but the only One to help you achieve that is God. Let’s look at the three types of preservation in Christ.
Spiritual preservation
Spiritual preservation comprises regeneration of the spirit and constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit. For this to occur, two essential things have to be done.
- Salvation
- Fellowship with God
If you’re not born again, your spirit doesn’t have a connection with God. So for it to enjoy complete preservation, you ought to accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour. Following that, your spirit got to be developed through discipleship. That’s where going to church meetings and Christian fellowship gatherings becomes significant. Don’t forsake the assembly of the saints (Hebrews 10:25). Such meetings aren’t trivial but contribute to the development of your spirit as you pray and hear God’s Word.
Soul preservation
The soul comprises the mind, will and emotions. So, for God to preserve your soul, it implies He wants your “will” to be saturated with His will, your mind to be and remain filled with His Word, and your emotions governed by His Spirit through divine wisdom. How can all these happen? By prayer and submission to God’s Word. When you keep hearing God’s Word, your mind will get filled with spiritual things, and there’ll be no space for the devil to use your emotions, self will and mind as playing grounds for evil thoughts and suggestions.
Body preservation
Nobody hates his own body. That’s why we do all that we can to feed it periodically. If your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), then God is interested in taking care of your body well. That means He wants you to live in health, be fully clothed each day, and also have all your needs met each day. However, that will happen when you seek first His kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Things like food, water and clothes, which the body needs the most, don’t have to be a burden in your life.
Do you struggle to provide these things for yourself or your family? Use God’s code for the provision of basic life necessities, as Jesus stated in Matthew 6:33 (“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”).
Shalom, peace and life to you.
I suppose you’ve heard a lot today, and I bless God for the insight He has given you through this article. Remember that God is interested in your spirit, soul and body’s complete preservation in Christ. Don’t neglect any of them. Pray about these things. You’re a blessing.