“Folly brings joy to one who has no sense, but whoever has understanding keeps a straight course.” — Proverbs 15:21 NIV
Have you ever met a group of unserious people around your vicinity? These are people who don’t understand the importance of making wise spiritual investments. That is, sowing in the Spirit or connecting deeper to God daily. So they invest in the flesh – doing whatever they can to enjoy physical life without a deep sense of urgency to live unto God. I think that is a primary reason why so many people are not visionary in their thoughts. They live on a temporary basis of what life brings them.
Reading Proverbs 15:21, Solomon says a senseless person rejoices when he’s fooling. But he adds that whoever has understanding keeps a straight course.
To keep a straight course means to be focused in life. It refers to living with intentionality, always bearing in mind that there’s a divine vision to accomplish and possibly die for before Jesus comes back. Having this at the back of your mind regulates your life and time usage exceptionally. Because you’ll not have time to play around doing nothing meaningful.
Let me tell you something. It’s not enough to have a physical life, eating every day. No! You have to live on purpose – your actual assignment on Earth. That will make you effective, responsible and dutiful in your life while contributing to kingdom expansion.
God doesn’t want you to become a jack of all trades, master of none. No! He wants you to place a demand on your gift, so much so that you’ll be unique and keep blessing lives daily for the expansion of His kingdom. Bear this in mind from today.
You’re a blessing.
Oh God, help me stay on course with what You’ve assigned me to do. Direct the paths of my life according to the dictates in Your Word. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2023 – 146
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