“Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” — James 1:21 NKJV
From James 1:3, Apostle James starts his epistle by speaking about how to navigate the trials of life as children of God. He wrote about how to profit from trials through wisdom. But when it got to James 1:19-20, He gave three qualities believers need to cultivate under trials: swiftness to hear, slowness to speech and wrath. Those three are very important to understand because they show us what we’re going to talk about today, that is, how to receive the implanted Word of God.
To implant means to fix deeply or set securely. It’s a term used in agriculture more often when a plant like a tangerine plant is grafted on a young orange plant and then tied together to ensure they get well fixed and grow together as one tree.
Implantation isn’t comfortable but forceful, but it has a purpose. In the same way, God uses trials to teach us new things about life we don’t know. For example, a child’s misbehaviour to his parents may look bad, but it’ll teach the parents to be patient while disciplining the child constructively.
Can you think beyond what you’re facing? Ask yourself why God allowed you to go through that situation. Knowing the divine reason for every occurrence in our lives doesn’t make you grumble or confused about God’s speakings, teachings and leadings. It would even make you stop blaming people for causing trouble, even after an apology has been rendered.
Lay aside all filthy thoughts the enemy sows in your mind when you have a grudge with someone, even in the same church or facing an issue in life. Forget about those things. Receive the implanted Word of God — that indirect teaching God is giving you as He helps you go through each life challenge. You’ll always come out better with renewed mindsets and experiential knowledge of the Lord.
You’re a blessing.
God, don’t make me lose sight of what You want to teach me anytime I go through life challenges. Open me to the Holy Spirit’s dimensions of divine knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD // 2022 – 237
Also Read: The Purpose of Trials
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