God’s Word is the spiritual food for every Christian. It’s through it we receive faith (Romans 10:17) and guidance on how to live unto God. For this cause, receiving it into our lives as children of God is extremely necessary.
Because of massive advancements in technology, preaching and hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ has become much simpler through our devices. While this has a lot of advantages for the average Christian, it has caused one major problem in many people’s lives. That is, unpreparedness in the heart to hear and practicalize God’s Word. I say this because we can now access sermons online each day without any predetermined consciousness to receive from the Lord.
For example, it’s easier to go to your local church with your heart prepared to hear God’s Word than to tune in to an online ministration since they frequently come as notifications on our devices.
In today’s article, I would like to share three practical ways to receive and benefit from God’s Word received on any day, at any time, and via any medium (physical or online).
1. Make up your mind to receive and understand the Word preached
One thing no preacher can do is to determine the state of the heart of people who listen to his sermons. If you want to become a full benefactor of God’s Word, you must make up your mind to receive and understand the Word of truth being preached at any time. When you do this, you’ll not treat any spiritual gathering you join, online or physically, as just one of the rest.
Yes, it’s good to attend church regularly and listen to sermon podcasts. However, when you have a determined mind to receive from God, you’ll give your utmost attention to the Word. That implies you’d have to put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode or in any “focus” setting that’ll block all other distractive pop-up notifications as you hear the Word.
When you tune in to an online ministration, you’d have to be determined to stay on the platform and treat all other messages as distractions to be attended to after you’re done soaking the ministration.
2. Take notes on points to meditate on
Notes-taking is an essential habit to practice when listening to the Word, either online or physically. Numerous tools can help you do this. Some are physical notebooks, Google Docs, Apple Notes, Apple Pages, and private-personal social media archives (such as “Saved Messages on Telegram”). The choice is yours. Use the one you’re okay with.
Whether you’re listening to an online ministration or sitting in church to hear a sermon, do not forget to take notes. Chances that you’ll forget what you hear are high. Notes-taking helps you remember the ministrations when you pick them up to read later.
3. Apply the Word
Scripture says in James 1:22 (NIV) that “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”
To fully benefit and have transformed life through God’s Word, you must see the need to do what it says. Let the Word permeate through your decisions and way of living. Otherwise, you’ll have spiritual knowledge; yet an untransformed life. If believers will sit down to analyse their lives, carefully submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and look at how to practicalize the Word of God, spiritual transformation will happen faster.
I hope this article has been a blessing to you.