[5] “The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade at your right hand.” – Psalms 121:5 (NKJV)
Can you say confidently to yourself, from a deeply convicted heart, that the Lord is your keeper? Usually, people who battle with fears don’t have the courage to say this. Even if they do, their consciousness goes on to that one thing they fear it’ll happen to them in life, like the loss of a loved one, especially if they’ve seen a friend go through that not long ago. I quite remember when I lost some handkerchiefs in a public transport car I boarded to a place years ago. I was stricken by the fear that I’d lose all my handkerchiefs because of my experience. So, for some time, I wasn’t putting my handkerchiefs in my back pocket, especially when about to board a public transport vehicle. Thankfully, God has delivered me from such fear and I’m free.
Dear believer, how do you perceive life? Do you have friends who constantly tell you about their problems and not people you can share God’s Word with? So you keep hearing about how others are struggling and meditate on how you’re also going through the same to keep your life moving? I want to tell you to de-link from negative voices and start concentrating on the Almighty God, who’s ready to keep you safe and well-catered for.
The world has always been full of problems. So encountering such is not new. Instead of going through life drained with your problems, start thinking about God’s promises for your life. In fact, be so mindful of them that the devil will know that you have little to no time to spare thinking about his lies. The Lord will shield you from all forms of harm as you step out each day to fulfil your divine mandate. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
You’re a blessing.
God, protect me from toxic relationships and evil people who are just in my life to make me look down on myself instead of focusing on Your promises for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Devotional Code: KGD – 2024 – 200
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